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Описание на продуктите
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine factory
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine factory
500 бр./бр
Основно предимство:
Продава директно от фабриката
Можем да приемем дизайна на клиентите, можем да направим и отпечатаме според вашите изисквания
Примерно време:
Обикновено 5-7 дни
Профил на компанията
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, създадена през 2003 г., е професионален мащабен производител на всички видове стъклени декорации, интегриращи разработката и производството заедно. Нашите основни продукти включват домашна стъклена декорация, градинска декорация и фестивални стъклени орнаменти за Коледа, Хелоуин, Великден и други фестивали. През последните години ние се развиваме непрекъснато. Освен стъклена декорация, сега можем да направим и декорация от смола, дървена декорация и друга декорация от материали.

glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine manufacture
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine supplier
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
Обратна връзка с клиентите
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine supplier
Опаковане и доставка
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine details
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine supplier
Често задавани
glass ball for christmas clear ornaments handmade color changing light effect glass snow globe with the inside figurine factory
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