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Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the houseIndoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the houseIndoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the houseIndoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the houseIndoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the houseIndoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house

Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house България

  • Overview
  • Свързани продукти
Описание на продуктите
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Потребителски размер
500 бр./бр
Основно предимство:
Продава директно от фабриката
Можем да приемем дизайна на клиентите, можем да направим и отпечатаме според вашите изисквания
Примерно време:
Обикновено 5-7 дни
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Профил на компанията
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, създадена през 2003 г., е професионален мащабен производител на всички видове стъклени декорации, интегриращи разработката и производството заедно. Нашите основни продукти включват домашна стъклена декорация, градинска декорация и фестивални стъклени орнаменти за Коледа, Хелоуин, Великден и други фестивали. През последните години ние се развиваме непрекъснато. Освен стъклена декорация, сега можем да направим и декорация от смола, дървена декорация и друга декорация от материали.

Ние се намираме в град Янгжу, с удобен транспортен достъп. Нашата фабрика има повече от 15 служители в офиса и 120 работници. Посветени на стриктния контрол на качеството и внимателното обслужване на клиентите, нашите опитни служители са винаги на разположение, за да обсъдят вашите изисквания и да осигурят пълно удовлетворение на клиентите. През последните години нашата компания представи серия от усъвършенствано оборудване, включително машина за лазерно гравиране, машина за 3D дъгово покритие и машина за пясъкоструене и др. В допълнение, ние преминахме сертификати ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon и Disney и всички продукти могат да преминат CE и ROHS тестове. Вярваме, че нашето качество и обслужване ще донесат успех на всеки клиент. Нашите продукти се изнасят и за клиенти в страни и региони като Германия, САЩ, Обединеното кралство, Япония, Австралия, Канада, Франция, Италия и други 20 страни и региони. добре дошли OEM и ODM поръчки. Независимо дали избирате текущ продукт от нашия каталог или търсите инженерна помощ за вашето приложение, можете да говорите с нашия център за обслужване на клиенти относно вашите изисквания за снабдяване. Ние искрено приветстваме вашето сътрудничество и очакваме с нетърпение да изградим бизнес отношения с вас .
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house details
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Обратна връзка с клиентите
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory
Опаковане и доставка
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house supplier
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house manufacture
Често задавани
Indoor hand made vintage customizable tree hanging ornament christmas luxury glass ball xmas handicraft ornaments for the house factory

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