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настолно коледно дърво от стъкло с LED осветление, включващо осветление, аксесоари за коледно дърво

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Описание на продуктите
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories factory
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
Главно предимство:
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Време за примерници:
Обикновено 5-7 дни
Фирмен профил
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
Фирмата Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, основана през 2003 г., е професионален големомащабен производител на различни видове стъклени украси, който обединява разработка и производство. Нашите основни продукти включват домашни стъклени украси, украси за градината и празнични стъклени аксесоари за Коледа, Ден на Халовеен, Великден и други празници. През последните години ние постоянно се развиваме. Освен стъклени украси, сега можем да произвеждаме и резинови украси, дървени украси и украси от други материали.

table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
Обратна връзка от клиенти
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
Упаковка и доставка
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories factory
Често задавани въпроси
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier

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