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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights

Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights

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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
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500 unitats/element
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Temps de mostra:
Normalment 5-7 dies
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights supplier
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights supplier
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights supplier
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights supplier
Perfil de l'empresa
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., Ltd establerta el 2003, és un fabricant professional a gran escala de tot tipus de decoració de vidre, integrant el desenvolupament i la producció junts. Els nostres productes principals inclouen la decoració de vidre per a la llar, la decoració del jardí i l'ornamentació de vidre del festival per Nadal, Halloween, Pasqua i altres festivals. En els darrers anys, hem estat desenvolupant contínuament. A més de la decoració de vidre, ara també podem fer decoració de resina, decoració de fusta i altres materials de decoració.
Estem ubicats a la ciutat de Yangzhou, amb un còmode accés al transport. La nostra fàbrica compta amb més de 15 empleats d'oficina i 120 treballadors. Dedicats a un estricte control de qualitat i un servei al client atent, el nostre personal experimentat sempre està disponible per discutir les vostres necessitats i garantir la plena satisfacció del client. En els darrers anys, la nostra empresa ha introduït una sèrie d'equips avançats que inclouen una màquina de gravat làser, una màquina de recobriment d'arc de Sant Martí 3D i una màquina de sorra, etc. A més, hem aprovat el certificat ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon i Disney, i tots els productes poden passar les proves CE i ROHS. Creiem que la nostra qualitat i servei donaran èxit a cada client. Els nostres productes també s'exporten a clients de països i regions com Alemanya, EUA, Regne Unit, Japó, Austràlia, Canadà, França, Itàlia i altres 20 països i regions. També Benvinguts comandes OEM i ODM. Tant si seleccioneu un producte actual del nostre catàleg com si busqueu ajuda d'enginyeria per a la vostra aplicació, podeu parlar amb el nostre centre d'atenció al client sobre els vostres requisits d'aprovisionament. Donem la benvinguda sincerament a la vostra cooperació i esperem construir una relació comercial amb vosaltres .
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details

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