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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lightsSmall lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lightsSmall lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lightsSmall lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lightsSmall lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lightsSmall lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights

Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights

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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
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Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
2003. aastal asutatud Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd on professionaalne igat tüüpi klaasikaunistuste suurtootja, mis ühendab arenduse ja tootmise koos. Meie peamised tooted hõlmavad koduklaasi kaunistusi, aiakaunistusi ja jõuludeks mõeldud festivaliklaasi kaunistusi, Halloween, lihavõtted ja muud festivalid. Viimastel aastatel oleme pidevalt arenenud. Lisaks klaaskaunistustele saame nüüd teha ka vaigukaunistusi, puidust kaunistusi ja muid materjale.
Asume Yangzhou linnas, kus on mugav juurdepääs transpordile. Meie tehases on rohkem kui 15 kontoritöötajat ja 120 töötajat. Pühendades rangele kvaliteedikontrollile ja läbimõeldud klienditeenindusele, on meie kogenud töötajad alati saadaval, et arutada teie nõudeid ja tagada klientide täielik rahulolu. Viimastel aastatel on meie ettevõte kasutusele võtnud mitmeid täiustatud seadmeid, sealhulgas lasergraveerimismasinat, 3D-vikerkaarekatmismasinat ja liivapritsi masinat jne. Lisaks oleme läbinud ISO 9001, BSCI, Avoni ja Disney sertifikaadi ning kõik tooted läbivad CE- ja ROHS-testi. Usume, et meie kvaliteet ja teenindus toovad edu igale kliendile. Meie tooteid eksporditakse ka sellistesse riikidesse ja piirkondadesse nagu Saksamaa, USA, Ühendkuningriik, Jaapan, Austraalia, Kanada, Prantsusmaa, Itaalia ja teised 20 riiki ja piirkonda. tervitame OEM- ja ODM-i tellimusi. Olenemata sellest, kas valite meie kataloogist praeguse toote või otsite oma rakenduse jaoks inseneriabi, võite oma hankimisnõuetest rääkida meie klienditeeninduskeskusega. Tervitame siiralt teie koostööd ja ootame teiega ärisuhte loomist. .
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Kliendi tagasiside
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details
Pakkimine ja kohaletoimetamine
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights manufacture
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights factory
Small lit led light up embossed diamond iridescent blue glass tabletop christmas tree decorative figurines set with led lights details

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