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Toodete kirjeldus
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 manufacture
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 details
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 details
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 supplier
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Võib kohandada
Peamine eelis:
Tööstusest otse müügisse
Me võtame vastu klientide disainide, me teeme ja prindime nõuete kohaselt.
Näidise aeg:
Tavaliselt 5-7 päeva
Ettevõtte profiil
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd asutati 2003, see on spetsialiseeritud suurtegevuseline tootja erinevate tüüpi klaasi dekoratsioonidega, kuhu kuuluvad arendus ja tootmine. Meie peamised tooted hõlmavad koduka klaasi dekoratsioone, aedade koristamist ja puhkpäevade klaasi koristamist, nagu Jõulud, Hallejaam, Lihavõtted ja muud puhkad. Viimastel aastatel on meie ettevõte pidevalt arenenud. Peale klaasi dekoratsioonidele võime praegu teha ka reziinidekoratsioone, puudekoratsioone ja teiste materjalide dekoratsioone.

Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 details
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 supplier
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 manufacture
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 factory
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 manufacture
Kliendi tagasiside
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 manufacture
Pakendamine ja kohaletoimetamine
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 supplier
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 manufacture
Wholesale creative large crystal lotus flower tea light tealight rose gold votive candle holders holder center pieces set of 3 details

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