Gach Catagóir


Stíl Chúirt Eorpach fíor-dlíona, cruthaitheach, feisteach i ngniomh míceál dearg glas láir agus tuilteach faoi stíl éadrom agus tuarim

  • Forbhreathnú
  • Táirgí Gaolmhara
Cur síos ar na Pródúict
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
lampa gloine
Is féidir é a shaincheapadh
Díríonn an fábric ar díoltú
Is féidir linn dízelacht na n-iarmhairt a bhaineann le cliant a chur i bhfeidhm, is féidir linn obair a dhéanamh agus a phrintiú mar gheall ar do riachtanais
Am Samplu:
Ginearálta 5-7 lá
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting details
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting details
Próifíl na Cuideachta
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
Stáitseáil Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd i 2003, is é seo thógálach mór scannal leathan de ghnéithe difriúla de ghlas, ag cobhsaitheacht agus pleanáil ina chomhpháirt. Tá ár príomhphrdúictí ar fhorbairt glas do dhomean, forbairt fheabhsaithe agus orna glas féilteacha do Nollaig, Oíche Shamhna, Cásca, agus feasta eile. Sular thosaigh an céad bliain nua, bhíimid ag forleathnú go continiúil. Mar sin féin, gan aon chúis eile ná forbairt glas, táimid in ann ornaí résin, crann agus eile a dhéanamh.

European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting supplier
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting supplier
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting supplier
Aiseolas ó chustaiméirí
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting details
Pacáistiú & Seachadadh
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting manufacture
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory
Ceisteanna Coitianta
European court style cozy atmosphere creative mushroom shaped purple glass lamp indoor outdoor with lighting factory

Faigh Luaigh Saor

Déanfaidh ár n-ionadaí teagmháil leat go luath.
Ainm na Cuideachta