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árbore de Nadal de mesa de vidro coa luz LED, árbore de Nadal coas luces incluídas, acessorios para árbore de Nadal

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Descrición dos produtos
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories factory
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
reactores de vidro
Principal vantaxe:
A fábrica vende directamente
Podemos aceptar o deseño dos clientes, podemos facer e imprimir segundo os seus requisitos
Tempo de mostra:
Normalmente 5-7 días
Perfil da empresa
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd fundada en 2003, é un fabricante profesional de gran escala de todo tipo de decoracións de vidro, integrando desenvolvemento e produción. Os nosos produtos principais inclúen decoracións de vidro para a casa, decoracións de xardín e adornos de vidro para festividades como Nadal, Halloween, Pascua e outras festas. Nos últimos anos, venimos desenvolvendo continuamente. Ademais da decoración de vidro, agora tamén podemos facer decoracións de resina, decoracións de madeira e outras decoracións de materiais diversos.

table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories manufacture
Comentarios dos clientes
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
Embalaxe e entrega
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories details
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories factory
Preguntas frecuentes
table top xmas tree glass with led light christmas tree with lights included christmas tree accessories supplier

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