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Új tervezetű lasergravált könnyű súlyú gáz LED henger alakú lefelé irányuló fényforrás LED fényforrással finom stílusban

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Termékek Leírása
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
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Általában 7/15 nap
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
A Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd 2003-ban alapított vállalkozás, amely szakotüzemben gyárt mindenféle üveges díszetkezést, fejlesztés és termelés integrálása során. A fő termékeink közé tartozik a házi üveg-díszek, a kertes díszek és a karácsonyi, hallósnapi, húsvéti és más ünnepek üvegetikus díszai. Az elmúlt években folyamatosan fejlődtünk. Az üveg-díszek mellett mostantól rezzenyű, faanyagú és más anyagból készült díszeket is gyártunk.

New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
vásárlói visszajelzés
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
Csomagolás & Szállítás
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier

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