
크리스마스 트리

맞춤형 홈 테이블 장식 세트 3개 핸드 블로운 실버 머큐리 엠보싱 유리 크리스마스 트리 LED 조명 6시간 타이머 대한민국

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3D 쇼룸
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER supplier
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
맞춤형 홈 테이블 장식 세트 3개 핸드 블로운 실버 머큐리 엠보싱 유리 크리스마스 트리 LED 조명 6시간 타이머
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER supplier
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER supplier
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER supplier
크기 :
사용자 정의 할 수 있습니다
우리는 고객의 디자인을 받아 들일 수 있으며 귀하의 요구 사항으로 인쇄하고 인쇄 할 수 있습니다.
샘플 시간 :
보통 5 - 7 일
500pcs / 항목
패키지 :
일반 포장은 거품 종이와 흰색 상자에 단일 포장되어 있으며, 우리는 또한 스티로폼과 스폰지 색상 상자, PVC 상자, 가죽 상자를 선택했습니다.
대량 생산 시간
MOQ를위한 보통 25 일, 명확한 시간은 순서 양에 달려 있습니다
HS 코드 :
선적 :
바다로, 비행기로, 명시 적으로 (DHL, UPS, 페덱스, EMS, TNT ...)
인증 :
주요 장점 :
공장 직접 판매
항목 :
맞춤형 홈 테이블 장식 세트 3개 핸드 블로운 실버 머큐리 엠보싱 유리 크리스마스 트리 LED 조명 6시간 타이머
지불 조건 :
일반적으로 사전에 30%T/T, 납품 서부 동맹, L/C, D/P 전에 70%T/T가 허용될 수 있습니다.
생산 과정
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
회사 소개
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER supplier
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture
고객 상호 작용
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER factory
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture
포장 및 배달
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER details
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture
자주 하는 질문
Customized home table decoration set of 3 hand blown silver mercury embossed glass christmas tree with led lights 6 hours TIMER manufacture

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