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Naujas dizainas, lazernai išgraviruotas, lengvas, su dujų LED cilindrinė forma ir LED šviesa, dengianti elokventų stilį

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Produktų aprašymas
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
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Įmonės profilis
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd įsteigta 2003 m., yra profesionalus didžiulis visų tipų stiklo dekoracijos gamintojas, integruojantis kūrimą ir gamybą kartu. Mūsų pagrindiniai produktai apima namų stiklo dekoracijas, sodinę dekoraciją ir šventėms skirtus stiklo aksmenus, tokioms kaip Kalėdos, Vėlinės, Velykos ir kitos šventės. Paskutiniu metu mes nerimtai vystome savo veiklą. Kartu su stiklo dekoracijomis dabar galime gaminti ir rezino dekoracijas, medienos dekoracijas bei kitų medžiagų dekoracijas.

New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling details
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
klientų atsiliepimai
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling manufacture
Pakavimas ir pristatymas
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling factory
New design laser engraved light weight gas led cylinder shape down light with LED light exquisite styling supplier

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