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naujas produktas, pritaikytas spalvotas didelis stiklo gaublys su LED lemputėmis, milžiniškais kalėdiniais stiklo rutuliniais papuošalais

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Produktų apibūdinimas
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments supplier
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments details
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments manufacture
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments manufacture
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments manufacture
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
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Kompanijos profilis
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co, Ltd, įkurta 2003 m., yra profesionali didelio masto visų rūšių stiklo apdailos gamintoja, kuri kartu integruoja kūrimą ir gamybą. Mūsų pagrindiniai produktai yra namų stiklo apdaila, sodo puošmena ir festivalio stiklo papuošalai Kalėdoms, Helovinas, Velykos ir kitos šventės. Pastaraisiais metais nuolat tobulinamės. Be stiklo dekoravimo, dabar galime gaminti ir dervos dekoracijas, medines dekoracijas ir kitas medžiagas.

new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments details
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments manufacture
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments manufacture
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments factory
Pakavimas ir pristatymas
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments supplier
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments details
new product customized color large glass globe with led lights giant christmas glass ball ornaments supplier

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