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Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
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Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory factory
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory factory
Kompanijos profilis
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co, Ltd, įkurta 2003 m., yra profesionali didelio masto visų rūšių stiklo apdailos gamintoja, kuri kartu integruoja kūrimą ir gamybą. Mūsų pagrindiniai produktai yra namų stiklo apdaila, sodo puošmena ir festivalio stiklo papuošalai Kalėdoms, Helovinas, Velykos ir kitos šventės. Pastaraisiais metais nuolat tobulinamės. Be stiklo dekoravimo, dabar galime gaminti ir dervos dekoracijas, medines dekoracijas ir kitas medžiagas.
Esame įsikūrę Jangdžou mieste, su patogiu susisiekimu. Mūsų gamykloje dirba daugiau nei 15 biuro darbuotojų ir 120 darbuotojų. Siekdami griežtos kokybės kontrolės ir apgalvoto klientų aptarnavimo, mūsų patyrę darbuotojai visada pasiruošę aptarti jūsų poreikius ir užtikrinti visišką klientų pasitenkinimą. Pastaraisiais metais mūsų įmonė pristatė pažangios įrangos seriją, įskaitant lazerinio graviravimo mašiną, 3D vaivorykštės dengimo mašiną ir smėliavimo mašiną ir kt. Be to, mes išlaikėme ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon ir Disney sertifikatus, o visi produktai gali išlaikyti CE ir ROHS testus. Tikime, kad mūsų kokybė ir aptarnavimas atneš sėkmę kiekvienam klientui. Mūsų produktai taip pat eksportuojami klientams tokiose šalyse ir regionuose kaip Vokietija, JAV, JK, Japonija, Australija, Kanada, Prancūzija, Italija ir kitos 20 šalių bei regionų. sveikiname OEM ir ODM užsakymus. Nesvarbu, ar renkatės dabartinį produktą iš mūsų katalogo, ar ieškote inžinerinės pagalbos savo programai, galite pasikalbėti su mūsų klientų aptarnavimo centru apie savo tiekimo reikalavimus. Nuoširdžiai sveikiname jūsų bendradarbiavimą ir tikimės užmegzti verslo santykius su jumis .
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory factory
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory factory
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory factory
Pakavimas ir pristatymas
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory supplier
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory details
Wholesale decorating christmas tree hanging decorations ornaments clear led light up glass decorative balls ball custom factory manufacture

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