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Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timerSmall silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timerSmall silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timerSmall silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timerSmall silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timerSmall silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer

Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer Latvija

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Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
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Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer details
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer details
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer supplier
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Kompanijas profils
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., Ltd, kas dibināta 2003. gadā, ir profesionāls liela mēroga visu veidu stikla apdares izstrādājumu ražotājs, kas apvieno izstrādi un ražošanu. Mūsu galvenie produkti ir mājas stikla dekorēšana, dārza dekorēšana un festivāla stikla rotājumi Ziemassvētkiem. Helovīns, Lieldienas un citi svētki. Pēdējos gados esam nepārtraukti attīstījušies. Bez stikla dekorācijām tagad varam izgatavot arī sveķu apdari, koka apdari un citu materiālu apdari.
Mēs atrodamies Jandžou pilsētā, ar ērtu piekļuvi transportam. Mūsu rūpnīcā ir vairāk nekā 15 biroju darbinieki un 120 darbinieki. Mūsu pieredzējušie darbinieki vienmēr ir pieejami, lai apspriestu jūsu prasības un nodrošinātu pilnīgu klientu apmierinātību. Pēdējos gados mūsu uzņēmums ir ieviesis virkni modernu iekārtu, tostarp lāzergravēšanas mašīnu, 3D varavīksnes pārklāšanas mašīnu un smilšu strūklas mašīnu utt. Turklāt mēs esam izturējuši ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon un Disney sertifikātu, un visi produkti var izturēt CE un ROHS testēšanu. Mēs uzskatām, ka mūsu kvalitāte un serviss nesīs panākumus katram klientam. Mūsu produkti tiek eksportēti arī uz klientiem tādās valstīs un reģionos kā Vācija, ASV, Lielbritānija, Japāna, Austrālija, Kanāda, Francija, Itālija un citas 20 valstis un reģioni. Laipni lūdzam OEM un ODM pasūtījumus. Neatkarīgi no tā, vai izvēlaties pašreizējo produktu no mūsu kataloga vai meklējat inženiertehnisko palīdzību savam lietojumam, varat runāt ar mūsu klientu apkalpošanas centru par savām piegādes prasībām. Mēs patiesi apsveicam jūsu sadarbību un ceram izveidot ar jums biznesa attiecības. .
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer supplier
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer factory
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer details
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Klientu Atsauksmes
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Iepakošana un piegāde
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer supplier
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer manufacture
Small silver gold led light up indoor tabletop mercury hand blown glass christmas tree figurines battery operated with timer supplier

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