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Продажба на нови декоративни стаклени цилиндри за прашави декорации, брачни централни дела со LED светлина

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3D Шоурум
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light manufacture
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light manufacture
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light supplier
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Може да се прилагоди
Можеме да прифатиме дизајн на клиентите, можеме да го правиме и да го штампаме според вашите заhtеви
Време за примерок:
Обично 5-7 дена
Паковање :
Обичното паковање е поединично во пушист папир и бели кутии, исто така имаме стилобен и спонжевит боен кутии, PVC кутии, кожени кутии за ваш избор
Време за масовна производство
Обично 25 дена за MOQ, точното време зависи од количеството на порачката
По море, по ваздух, израз (DHL, UPS, FEDEX, EMS, TNT...)
Сертификација :
Главно предност:
Фабрика директно продава
Артиkel :
нов дизајн Ручно правени декорации од стакло цилиндар за празнична украса за Божиќ брачни централни делови со LED светлина
Услови за плаќање :
Обично 30%T/T напред, 70%T/T пред изpraкувањe, Western Union, L/C, D/P можe да бидат прифатени
Процес на производство
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Профил на компанијата
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Контактирајте не
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Интеракција со клиентите
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light details
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light supplier
Пакување и испорака
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light manufacture
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory
Wholesale new table decorative glass cylinder Christmas decoration wedding centerpieces with led light factory

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