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Bejgħ bl-ingrossa Cheap Antikitajiet tal-ħġieġ Swan Figurine Factory
Products Specifications of Wholesale Cheap Antique Glass Swan Figurine Factory
materjal | ħġieġ |
daqs | 12.5 * 8 * 12cm |
Daqs tal-kartun | 43.5 * 29.5 * 30.5cm |
Audit passed | BSCI, AVON, Disney |
OEM / ODM | available. we can make the products exactly as you request |
Ħin tal-kampjun | 5-7 ijiem |
MOQ | 500pcs per item |
Pakkett | 1 pc into 1 bubble paper and white box, we have styrofoam and sponge color box, pvc box and leather box for you to choose as well |
Ħin tal-produzzjoni | 25 days for MOQ, production time depends on the quantities you need |
Shipping terms | By sea, by air and by international express. |
Ċertifikazzjoni | CE, ROHS, EMC, REACH |
Vantaġġ | factory directly suppling with cheaper price, eco-friendly products, good service, our business relations will be confidential to any third parties |
Termini ta 'ħlas | 30%T/T in advance, 70% T/T before the delivery. Western union, L/C, can also be accepted. |
Garanzija | 2 years warranty for detects from material and our workmanship |
Factory Show of Wholesale Cheap Antique Glass Swan Figurine Factory
Packing Details of Antique Glass Swan Figurine
1. Quality Control of Antique Glass Swan Figurine
L-aktar miżuri stretti ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità huma adottati fil-fabbrika tagħna.
1) christmas glass ball material purchasing control: All materials are ordered directly from material factory, which can guarantee the glass ball materials are 100% new.
2) Makkinarju l-aktar avvanzat: Aħna nużaw il-magni tal-istampar l-aktar avvanzati u magni tat-tqattigħ bil-lejżer biex niżguraw li kull prodott huwa ħelu u exquisite.
3) Spezzjoni stretta matul il-produzzjoni: Aħna nagħmlu spezzjoni ta 'kampjuni ta' prodotti nofshom lesti kuljum.
4) Clean production environment: Good products come from good work environment.
5) 100% spezzjoni tal-prodotti finitura: Tista 'tiggarantixxi li kull prodott huwa kwalifikat.
2. Delivery Time of Antique Glass Swan Figurine
we are a big factory, at the same time we have more than 10 years of production exprience.
Your urgent and samll order is acceptable.
The shortest delivery time is 15-20 days.
3. Għaliex għażiltna?
1. Il-MOQ tagħna huwa ta '500 biċċa
2. The most professional foreign trade team: all your mails will be replied within 24 hours.
3.L-iqsar ħin tal-kunsinna: nistgħu nwasslu ordnijiet urġenti fi żmien 15-20 jum.
4.Good price: we can give you 5% lower price to get the better goods.
5. After-sale service: when you finish the payment, our business is over, but our service is not over. If you need any help, we will try our best to help you. No matter business or private affairs.
4. How to get an order?
1. Inkjesta - Kwotazzjoni professjonali. |
2. Consultation - Ikkonferma l-prezz, il-ħin taċ-ċomb, l-arti, it-terminu tal-ħlas eċċ, Iffirma l-kuntratt tal-bejgħ. |
3. PI - GM sales send the Proforma Invoice with G M seal. |
4. Ħlas depożitu - Pay deposit and send us bank receipt. |
5. Stadju tal-Produzzjoni Inizjali - Wara l-approvazzjoni tal-kampjun, aħna nirranġaw il-produzzjoni u ninfurmaw il-ħin tal-kunsinna stmat. |
6. Nofsani Produzzjoni - Ibgħat ritratti biex turi l-prodotti nofshom lesti. Ikkonferma l-ħin tal-kunsinna stmat mill-ġdid. |
7. Tmiem il-Produzzjoni u l-Ispezzjoni - Ibgħat prodotti lesti u stampi tal-pakketti jew Spezzjoni ta 'parti terza. |
8.Ikkonsenja l-merkanzija - Ibgħat il-merkanzija lill-maħżen tal-ispeditur tiegħek |
9. Bilanċ & B/L - Il-klijenti jħallsu l-bilanċ kontra l-kopja tal-B/L. |
10. feedback - Tell us about the Quality , Service, Market Feedback and Suggestion. We will do better next time. |
BaoYing County GuanMei Glass Art Co.Ltd looks forward to your cooperation with us
Merħba tikkuntattjana għad-dettalji!