Kategoriji kollha


Bejgħ bl-ingrossa personalizzat 100 bl-ingrossa tal-ħġieġ ċar li jiddendel ornament tal-ballun tas-siġra tal-Milied b'dekorazzjoni tal-injam ġewwa

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Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodotti
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier
8 * 8 * 9.5cm
Vantaġġ ewlieni:
Fabbrika tbigħ direttament
Nistgħu naċċettaw id-disinn tal-klijenti, nistgħu nagħmlu u nistampaw bħala l-ħtieġa tiegħek
Ħin tal-Kampjun:
Normalment 5-7 ijiem
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Profil tal-Kumpanija
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., Ltd stabbilita fl-2003, huwa manifattur professjonali fuq skala kbira tat-tipi kollha ta 'dekorazzjoni tal-ħġieġ, li jintegra l-iżvilupp u l-produzzjoni flimkien. Il-prodotti ewlenin tagħna jinkludu dekorazzjoni tal-ħġieġ tad-dar, dekorazzjoni tal-ġnien u ornament tal-ħġieġ tal-festival għall-Milied, Halloween, Għid, u festivals oħra. Fis-snin riċenti, ilna niżviluppaw kontinwament. Minbarra dekorazzjoni tal-ħġieġ, issa nistgħu wkoll nagħmlu dekorazzjoni tar-reżina, dekorazzjoni tal-injam u dekorazzjoni ta 'materjal ieħor.

Aħna jinsabu fil-belt ta 'Yangzhou, b'access ta' trasport konvenjenti. Fabbrika tagħna għandha aktar minn 15-il persunal tal-uffiċċju u 120 ħaddiem. Dedikati għal kontroll strett tal-kwalità u servizz tal-konsumatur maħsub, il-membri tal-persunal b'esperjenza tagħna huma dejjem disponibbli biex jiddiskutu r-rekwiżiti tiegħek u jiżguraw is-sodisfazzjon sħiħ tal-klijent. F'dawn l-aħħar snin, il-kumpanija tagħna introduċiet serje ta 'tagħmir avvanzat inkluż magna tal-inċiżjoni bil-lejżer, magna tal-kisi tal-qawsalla 3D u magna tas-sandblasting, eċċ. Barra minn hekk, għaddew iċ-ċertifikat ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon u Disney, u l-prodotti kollha jistgħu jgħaddu mill-ittestjar CE u ROHS. Aħna nemmnu li l-kwalità u s-servizz tagħna se jġibu suċċess għal kull klijent. Il-prodotti tagħna huma wkoll esportati lil klijenti f'pajjiżi u reġjuni bħal Ġermanja, USA, UK, Ġappun, Awstralja, Kanada, Franza, Italja u 20 pajjiż u reġjun ieħor. Aħna wkoll Merħba OEM u ODM orders.Whether tagħżel prodott kurrenti mill-katalgu tagħna jew tfittex assistenza ta 'inġinerija għall-applikazzjoni tiegħek, inti tista' tkellem liċ-ċentru tas-servizz tal-klijent tagħna dwar ir-rekwiżiti ta 'provenjenza tiegħek. Aħna nilqgħu sinċerament il-kooperazzjoni tiegħek, u nistennew bil-ħerqa li tibni relazzjoni ta' negozju miegħek .
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside manufacture
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside factory
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Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier
Ippakkjar u Kunsinna
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside details
Wholesale personalized 100 wholesale clear glass hanging Christmas tree ball ornament with wooden decoration inside supplier

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