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Centrale de iluminat 3 variate pentru masă noaptea cu lampă hurican LED alimentată prin baterie, sticlă cu flori cilindrice lantare cu luminile hadișorilor

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Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights supplier
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights supplier
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
Principal avantaj:
Vânzare directă de la fabrică
Putem accepta proiectele clienților, putem produce și imprima conform cerințelor dvs.
Timp de eșantionare:
De obicei 5-7 zile
Profilul companiei
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights manufacture
Compania Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, înființată în 2003, este un producător profesional de scară largă de decorații din sticlă de toate felurilor, integrând dezvoltare și producție. Produsele noastre principale includ decorații casnice din sticlă, decorații pentru grădini și ornamentații din sticlă pentru sărbători precum Crăciun, Haloween, Paștele și alte sărbători. În ultimii ani, ne-am dezvoltat continuu. Pe lângă decorațiile din sticlă, acum putem produce și decorații din rezină, lemn și alte materiale.

Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights manufacture
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights supplier
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
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Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights factory
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Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details
Întrebări frecvente
Light up centerpieces 3 assorted table night hurricane lamp LED battery powered glass flower cylinder lanterns with Fairy Lights details

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