Vse kategorije


Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smoleViseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smoleViseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smoleViseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smoleViseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smoleViseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole
Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole

Viseča dekoracija za božično drevo po meri, vesele božične glasbene kroglice, kroglice in stekleni okraski za drevo z led lučko in figurico iz smole Slovenija

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Opis izdelka
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory
Ali se lahko meri
500 kosov/kos
Glavna prednost:
Neposredna prodaja v tovarni
Lahko sprejmemo dizajn strank, lahko naredimo in natisnemo kot vaše zahteve
Čas vzorca:
Običajno 5-7 dni
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
predstavitev podjetja
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, ustanovljeno leta 2003, je profesionalni obsežni proizvajalec vseh vrst steklenih dekoracij, ki skupaj združujeta razvoj in proizvodnjo. Naši glavni proizvodi vključujejo steklene dekoracije za dom, vrtne dekoracije in festivalske steklene okraske za božič, Noč čarovnic, velika noč in drugi festivali. V zadnjih letih se nenehno razvijamo. Poleg steklene dekoracije lahko zdaj izdelujemo tudi dekoracijo iz smole, leseno dekoracijo in dekoracijo iz drugih materialov.
Nahajamo se v mestu Yangzhou, s priročnim dostopom do prevoza. Naša tovarna ima več kot 15 pisarniških uslužbencev in 120 delavcev. Naši izkušeni člani osebja so vedno na voljo za razpravo o vaših zahtevah in zagotavljanje popolnega zadovoljstva strank. V zadnjih letih je naše podjetje predstavilo vrsto napredne opreme, vključno s strojem za lasersko graviranje, strojem za 3D mavrično premazovanje in strojem za peskanje itd. Poleg tega smo opravili certifikat ISO 9001, BSCI, Avon in Disney, vsi izdelki pa lahko opravijo testiranje CE in ROHS. Verjamemo, da bosta naša kakovost in storitev prinesli uspeh vsaki stranki. Naše izdelke izvažamo tudi strankam v državah in regijah, kot so Nemčija, ZDA, Velika Britanija, Japonska, Avstralija, Kanada, Francija, Italija in drugih 20 držav in regij. dobrodošli pri naročilih OEM in ODM. Ne glede na to, ali izberete trenutni izdelek iz našega kataloga ali iščete inženirsko pomoč za svojo aplikacijo, se lahko pogovorite z našim centrom za pomoč strankam o svojih zahtevah glede virov. Iskreno pozdravljamo vaše sodelovanje in se veselimo gradnje poslovnega odnosa z vami .
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine manufacture
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine supplier
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
Customer Feedback
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine details
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Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory
Pogosta Vprašanja
Custom hanging xmas tree decoration merry christmas music balls ball and tree glass ornaments with led light and resin figurine factory

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