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Osvetljeni ročno puhani rdeči merkurijski stekleno drevo za notranjo dekoracijo, velikansko ozdobno steklena jed, ki jo ponujajo na trgu zavod

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Opis izdelkov
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply factory
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply supplier
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
Glavni prednost:
Proizvajalec prodaja neposredno
Sprejmemo načrte strank, izdelujemo in tiskamo po vaših zahtevah.
Čas za vzorec:
Običajno 5-7 dni
Profil podjetja
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
Podjetje Baoying County Guanmei Glass Art Co., ltd, je bilo ustanovljeno leta 2003 in je profesionalen velik proizvajalec steklenih dekoracij različnih vrst, ki združuje razvoj in proizvodnjo. Naši glavni izdelki vključujejo domače steklene dekoracije, vrtne dekoracije in praznične steklene ozdobe za Božič, Halloween, Velikonoce in druge praznike. V zadnjih letih se neprestano razvijamo. Poleg steklenih dekoracij lahko zdaj proizvajamo tudi dekoracije od rezine, drevesa in drugih materialov.

Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply supplier
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply factory
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply manufacture
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply supplier
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
povratne informacije strank
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
Pakiranje & Dostava
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply factory
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details
pogosta vprašanja
Lighted Hand Blown Red Mercury Glass Tree sets indoor decoration wholesale christmas tree made of glass factory supply details

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